=== 4.5 Onwards === This file has been replaced by UPGRADING.md. See MDL-81125 for further information. === This files describes API changes in the tool_usertours code. === 4.4 === * New hooks have been provided to allow plugins to define their own server-side, and client-side user tour filters. The new hooks are named: - \tool_usertours\hook\before_serverside_filter_fetch - \tool_usertours\hook\before_clientside_filter_fetch These hooks allow addition, and removal, of filters. === 4.0 === * The `tourconfig` property returned by the `tool_usertours_fetch_and_start_tour` external method has also an `endtourlabel` property that contains the label to be used for the end tour button. === 3.9 === * The `tourconfig` property returned by the `tool_usertours_fetch_and_start_tour` external method is now optional, and will be omitted if the tour shouldn't be shown to the current user === 3.5 === * Third party library Popper.js was moved from this plugin into core (core/popper)